Few things can slow the pace of change. Manufacturing is evolving at unprecedented rates. What was standard a few years ago may now be obsolete and short run metal stamping is no exception. At Neway Stamping, we have always stayed abreast of change and have historically done well with this approach. But in this evolutionary time, we’re challenging ourselves to do more.
It starts with this website. Did you notice the new look and easier navigation? The site is informed by the latest technologies and designed with a more streamlined look and better readability. We did not create the site in a vacuum. Our collaboration with partners and customers guided our efforts and we’re excited to launch www.newaystamping.com.
We view this as the “go-to” resource our customers and prospects want and need to find information, new ideas and quotes quickly and easily. In fact, we suggest you bookmark it.
Today and tomorrow, we commit to continuing to showcase thought leadership, find solutions to our customers’ most pressing business issues and to build new ways to harness the technology that is so much a part of our lives. The array of products and services showcased here are all aligned to provide total solutions to your short run stamping needs. Our client partnerships deliver much more than simple stamping processes.
You’ll find it all right here. You need a short run metal stamping partner who understands your needs, works with you on process and design and provides support, even through post-production. Of course, you also need output that meets your specifications exactly and is delivered on time.
Even in these evolutionary times, rest assured that the foundation of our growth is our 45+ years of history. We continue to understand and proactively meet the short run stamping needs of our customers across the spectrum of industries we serve. You’ll experience the same commitment to exceeding your finishing, assembly, tooling, process design and engineering expectations that have always been our hallmarks.
While we are leaving no stone unturned in our quest for driving change and improvement, we remain focused on dependability, accuracy and on-time delivery. The next big idea could be just around the corner and your thoughts and ideas matter to us, too. Give us a call or contact us and let us know what’s on your mind in this rapidly changing environment.